Kix Cereal

Kix Cereal box pop out craft built Jellyfish Fred


Use your Kix™ Box pieces to create Jellyfish Fred! Jellyfish Fred is very best friends with Mazy the Octopus. Follow the instructions below to make this character.

Kix Cereal box craft pop out directions to build Jellyfish Fred: pop out pieces are laid out on a tableSTEP ONE: Pop out the pieces pictured above from your Kix box. Parents, cut along the dotted lines of each piece. Now let’s get building!

Kix Cereal box craft pop out directions to build Jellyfish Fred:
piece C and D are connectedSTEP TWO: Connect piece C and D by sliding the slits together.

Kix Cereal box craft pop out directions to build Jellyfish Fred:
piece B is connected  to the center right side of piece DSTEP THREE: Taking piece B, connect to the center right side of piece D.

Kix Cereal box craft pop out directions to build Jellyfish Fred: piece E is connected to the center left side of piece DSTEP FOUR: Using piece E, connect to the center left side of piece D.

Kix Cereal box pop out craft built Jellyfish FredSTEP FIVE: And there you have it – Jellyfish Fred!

Kix Adventures Banner: Find Mazey & Jellyfish Fred's story here!