2 Handmade Mother's Day Crafts Moms Can Make With Their Kids
Make your Mother’s Day morning REALLY special with these memorable crafts you can make with your kids. The best part about these crafts is they’re HANDMADE!
Make your Mother’s Day morning REALLY special with these memorable crafts you can make with your kids. The best part about these crafts is they’re HANDMADE!
Sure, you can go out and buy mom a fancy fruit bouquet. But wouldn’t mom appreciate a fruit bouquet you and the kids make yourself? It’s surprisingly easy to assemble this healthy and delicious fruit gift for Mother’s Day. It’s perfect for her breakfast tray or even as dessert after her special lunch or dinner. […]
School photos. We all have them, lots of them. Seems inevitable that we end up with a surplus of photos, no matter how many relatives we mail them off to. The little wallet sized photos are perfect for craft projects, such as Christmas ornaments, greeting cards, and this cute photo chain for Mother’s Day! You […]
Now here is an easy, yummy—but still fancy—breakfast the kids can help make for mom on Mother’s Day that won’t just make her smile politely with a wary look. Instead, she gets delicious, yogurt-filled strawberries topped with the crunch of Kix cereal. By keeping the preparation simple, mom won’t have to guess what’s inside her […]
On April 22nd, people around the world will celebrate Earth Day to raise awareness of conservation and support for environmental protection. This year, why not create some earth-friendly crafts in honor of Earth Day? You already have a plentiful and renewable source for craft supplies, and it’s right in your home: your recycling bin! Raid […]
What’s the best part of April Showers? All that rain helps the May Flowers grow! Here’s a fun rain and flower-inspired craft to make: an April Showers May Flowers clothespin wreath. Have fun arranging and rearranging this clever wreath, which is made of mostly of recycled materials. We recycled a cereal box and cardboard egg […]